What You Will Learn
1- Why BitNami Application is The Best For WP Self Hosting.
2-How To Download BitNami For Word Press ( Mac OS , Windows).
3- How To Install BitNami Application For Word Press Hosting.
4- Benefits Of Using BetNami For Word Press.
BitNami, you can use it instead of other services like WAMP or the Microsoft Web platform installer, because it's easier to manage than pretty much a 5 click install.How To Download BitNami For Word Press ( Mac OS , Windows)
To install WordPress stacks from your computer you first need to download the latest version from bitnami.com/stack/wordpress, when you go to BitNami.com click on download now under on your desktop.
Here you get a list of all the different open source applications that BitNami supports, there’s a quite a few of them. You will find WordPress number 2, click on it and then you get the option to install it.
BitNami run on multiple different environments. Click Here to downlaod
Select Your Download |
Tip: Word Press Understanding The Difference Between Pages And Posts
• Install WordPress on your own Laptop or Server.
• The Mac App Store.
• Run a WordPress virtual appliance in your virtual infrastructure.
• Run your own WordPress server in the cloud with our hosting platform or using a pre-built image for Amazon, Azure and other providers.
Click on which one you like to start downloading, once it's downloaded you start the installer
How To Install BitNami Application For Word Press Hosting
1- First you have to choose the language select your language then click ok.
Language Selecting |
2- PHP my Admin Once you are in the setup click next and then you see that BitNami tells you what applications need to be installed in addition to WordPress you don't have to worry about this because it'll actually be installed but just you know in this case it will also install PHP my admin.
BitNami Word Press Application |
3- Click next again and then you get to decide where BitNami is to be installed if you're running Windows 7 and install it under program files and then you use a web design application to try to make changes to the core files you'll run into a problem because Windows 7 won't let that application write to program files.
4- To bypass this you can install the program under my documents instead, that’s actually a good way of solving this problem to do that you have to do one more thing go into my documents and create a new folder call it BitNami. This is where BitNami will be installed now you can use the installation folder to navigate.
Installation folder |
5- Click next to install it this next window asks for admin user creation because we are installing WordPress and WordPress won't be installed without having admin user defined from this window you define the admin user for this account it’s not important as when you launch something online but you still have to enter the information first.
Tip: How To Chang To WordPress Self-Hosting Part 1 (Requirements)
And for the email it doesn't matter because you don't have an email server install anyway that is leave it at mail@example.com.
Your name at the login and a password this installation only exists on your computer so all the stuff is not all that relevant but you have to make sure that you have a login and remember the password because otherwise you can’t get access and have to do the installation over again.
Setting up Login Information |
6- Then click next now you get to enter your blog name notice it will automatically type your name which you entered in the previous step you can let it or change it if you like whatever you can always change it later. when you start to work with your blog setting,click to see how to change your blog media settings as soon as you finish the installation progress
WordPress Blog Name |
7- The next step is configuring SMTP settings so the program can send you notifications via your mail, you don’t need only keep the box unchecked.
Configuring SMTP Settings |
8- The BitNami cloud hosting keep it unchecked if you are interested you can click to learn more and take a look.
BitNami Cloud Hosting |
9- Click next and then click next now installation begins and this can take some time when the installation is done this last window you'll see in this is what you want to see finally make sure you have that launched the BitNami WordPress stack check and click finish.
BitNami WordPress Stack |
After clicking on finish button you will go directly to the BitNami WordPress stack now this is the welcome page to that BitNami WordPress stack running locally on your computer to make sure that it actually works so click on access BitNami WordPress stack and open your local version of WordPress on your computer. BitNami WordPress help you to experiment and develop your WordPress site in a completely secure environment for you have full control over every aspect of the installation.
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